Грузики балансировочные https://tiretools.by/cat/gruziki-balansirovochnye-1442
Заплаты для камер является обязательным этапом обслуживания вашего авто каждые 10-15 тысяч километров пробега (либо не реже 1 раза в год). Это позволяет своевременно выявить и устранить любой дисбаланс колес. А следовательно, защитить авто от поломок рулевого управления, дефектов амортизаторов, подшипников и других важных элементов подвески.
Также, специалисты рекомендуют купить грузики для шиномонтажа, и в том случае, - если диск был деформирован после попадания в яму, и если вы поставили новые шины и уже проехали на них 500 км.
Несоблюдение процедуры проведения балансировки опасно не столько потому, что впоследствии придется заплатить намного больше за ремонт, сколько потому, что вибрация колеса – возможная причина возникновения опасных ситуаций на дороге.
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Грузы для балансировки https://tiretools.by/cat/gruziki-balansirovochnye-1442
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Possible end of forum
Barbara Crespi | 13/09/2011
Unless someone else takes over I'm afraid this forum will end here as I am now retired and Maria Hioni no longer works at the 2nd Experimental Gymnasio. If anyone wished to continue please offer new venue here
Re: Possible end of forum
Katya Petrocheilou | 07/10/2011
Dear Barbara,
Is there anything new, concerning the forum?
Last English Forum 2010-2011
Barbara | 11/06/2011
The numbers have not increased but the SENSE OF SOLIDARITY among the group has. The last forum for this academic year consisted of three presentations: 1) Story telling with video and discussion of the genre of fairy tales 2) Using technology to get lyceum students talking and writing was presented by Elena Sotiropoulou of the 17th lyceum of Athens. Elena not only talked us through the process but showed photos and video of her students acting out word spelling, then dancing and singing HAMLET (see photo gallery) 3) Maria Hioni, our excellent hostess, presented a TED video with LP and worksheet, as always stimulating and thought provoking. We look forward to the new academic year's FORUM on SATURDAY 2ND OCTOBER. Anyone wishing to present, contact me but please understand no photocopying facility is available. The coffee machine is now working perfectly.
3rd ENGLISH FORUM meeting on Saturday11th JUNE from 11am till 1pm
Barbara | 07/04/2011
AGENDA FOR MEETING 1) Building oral skills at lyceum by Eleni Sotiropoulou 2) English Mania (secondary levels) by Maria Hioni 3) Comparative adjectives game (for younger learners) by Barbara Crespi AND MORE. The May forum has been cancelled because of pressure of exams. DON'T FORGET THE VENUE is the 2nd Experimental Gymnasium of Athens in their amphitheatre. School address: Φιλήμονος & Τσόχα, Αμπελόκηποι, Μετρό Αμπελόκηποι.
Second English Forum agenda
Barbara | 28/03/2011
2nd meeting this Saturday 2nd April, 11am to 1pm presentations - one for each level 1) Primary -passive voice for young learners by me the anti-grammar person 2) Gymnasium - materials for developing skills by Mickey Liaveri 3) Lyceum - using the News channels on the Internet by Katya Petroheilou PLEASE DON'T FORGET YOUR FLASH / NO PHOTOCOPYING
Re: Second English Forum agenda
Barbara | 03/04/2011
Not the turnout we'd like yet, and still some problems with technology and coffee, but we'll get there. Plenty to eat as half the participants brought cake!! The passive voice lesson about the digestive system of an elephant was well received as were the interesting vidoes on London Olympics, the Muppet show and a popular song presented by Katya Petroheilou. The comparison of young and old (and more) with video and prepared exercises also very well presented by Mickey Liaveri. Anyone wanting to use the videos and the accompanying exercises will need to come to the next FORUM armed with their USB flash, scheduled for 14th of May. See photos on photo gallery page of this website.
Barbara | 12/03/2011
First meeting today and 3 presentations took up the time available followed by lively discussions, cake but no coffee (yet). See photos in photo gallery. The presentations went as follows: 1) Maria Hioni of the 2nd experimental gymnasium/lyceum with a new look at technology and a short video with exercises to stretch our minds participating as students, then another look at CLIL and the industrial revolution which had us all gripped. 2) Niki Nistikaki of 2nd Lycem Virona with a short and amusing video to help us get students talking and having opposing points of view politely, as well as more vocabulary building materials about friendships. 3) I presented my Midsummer Nights Dream materials with PPT and the video of the scene cut to suit the 6th class primary school book. NEXT MEETING SATURDAY 2ND APRIL
Change of date
Barbara Crespi | 27/02/2011
We've decided to move the meeting forward a week as the 5th is on a long weekend (Clean Monday) and many will be out of town. We'll see you on the 12th, same place, same time.