What and how to teach with video by Jack Koumi
06/02/2011 17:09
A two day conference at Ministry of Education 3-4 February 2011 on effective use of video in education relating to online services of Edutubeplus video library. See Not enough data as yet but worth waiting for.
Key note speaker Jack Koumi...
Using technology with young learners
18/01/2011 19:44
USING TECHNOLOGY WITH YOUNG LEARNERS.doc (139,5 kB) This article was presented by Barbara Crespi at the PEKADE conference on 2nd october 2010 and published in ASPECTS Today (2010) Volume 28:7-9 .
Multiple intelligences video
13/12/2010 08:40
At the Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy, in Gainesville, Georgia, students know exactly how they are smart.
To learn how and why, watch this video sent to me by Thodoris Maniakas, school advisor for Polyguros ,...
Behaviour Management
10/10/2010 09:53
Take a look at this advice on dealing with problematic classroom behaviour written by Dave Stott and presented by colleague Stavrianna Soumbasi top 20 behaviour strategies.doc (30 kB)
Critical thinking
20/07/2010 08:11
Have a look at this video on critical thinking. Are we encouraging it in our students? Are we doing it ourselves?
Teaching kindergarten in Turkey
14/06/2010 10:27
I'm adding this article because we are piloting teaching to 1st and 2nd primary school classes next year. The teacher concerned has access to every technological device on the market which we do not. However, the theory behind her teaching is similar to what we should be doing and she...
How not to teach English by Marisa Constantinides
13/06/2010 11:34
Below is the URL for an interesting and provocative article about what not to do when teaching English. It is published here with permission of long time teacher trainer and friend of PEKADE, Marisa...
Using Visual Materials in EFL classroom
17/05/2010 09:03
Presented at PEKADE seminar December 2010
by Barbara Crespi PhD
School Advisor for Teachers of English A’ Athinon
Students learn in many different ways. Research has shown that children do better if they are allowed to follow their own personal learning styles. Some students...
Practical techniques for teaching young learners
17/05/2010 09:01
by Barbara Ussher-Crespi
School Advisor for teachers of English, A. Athens
Things to do
Things not to do
1. Introduce one new concept at a...