Πρόγραμμα Εκμάθησης της Αγγλικής στην Πρώιμη Παιδική Ηλικία (ΠΕΑΠ)

07/09/2010 09:22

Please find  files related to the teaching of Engish at the all day (olohmero) schools in A' Athina.

Please find the link for the Research Centre of Athens University under links for finding teaching materials/ resources on this page.

ΠΙΛΟΤΙΚΑ ΟΛΟΗΜΕΡΑ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΑ Α' ΑΘΗΝΑΣ.xls (140 kB)  (the schools taking part in the pilot programme in A' Athina)

PEAP information.pdf (836 kB)  (Analytical programme)

epistoli ekp agglikis.pdf (249,1 kB)   (letter to the teachers from Professor Dendrinou https://rcel.enl.uoa.gr/englishinschool/index.html (Research Centre University of Athens - materials for A' & B' classes)