Classroom Management presentations 6th September 2011 at HAU "Η ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΧΡΟΝΗΣ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΥ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑΣ ΣΤΗ ΞΕΝΟΓΛΩΣΣΗ ΤΆΞΗ"
Please find attached all the presentations from the all day seminar at the Hellenic American Union on 6th September.
I cannot add the classroom videos as it was an agreement that they would be used for the seminar only and cannot be put on the Internet.
URLs of the YouTube videos shown by presenters can be found on their power point or word files.
I thank all participants, both teachers and students, who took part in this seminar by the teachers (and students) for the teachers
More photos of the speakers and participans can be seen on 5th page of photogallery
1. Crespi overview.ppt (1,9 MB)
1a. Crespi- Opening remarks.doc (29 kB)
2. Lena Xanthakou - Bullying .doc (37 kB)
2a. Lena Xanthakou Bullying.ppt (878 kB)
3. Vasiliki Stratiki ΑΝΤΙ-ΒULLYING STRATEGIES.pptx (190,2 kB)
3a. ANTI BULLYING STRATEGIES by Vasilik Stratiki, .doc (41 kB)
4. Rena Morari On teaching literature at Lyceum.ppt (2,1 MB)
4a Rena Morari -On teaching literature at Lyceum..doc (100 kB)
5. Bratsoli Οργάνωση άσκησης του προφορικού λόγου_Bratsoli.ppt (1 MB)
5a Bratsoli -Ss' handout_video lesson.doc (53 kB)
5b Bratsoli -World Records info.doc (47,5 kB)
6. Maria Hioni CLIL demonstration.pptx (1,3 MB)
6a Hioni - CLIL Presentation Barbara HAU.docx (23 kB)
7. Hioni- Mastrogiannopoulou- Crespi TEAM TEACHING.ppt (1 009,5 kB)
7a. team teaching lesson plan.docx (18,4 kB)
7b. team teaching JIGSAW DIALOGUE exercise.docx (13,8 kB)
7c. team teaching handout.docx (12,4 kB)
8. Fofo Veneti -Sharing Story Telling with you HAU-final.ppsx (1 MB)
9. Christina Iakovidou & Iota Bouziou - Cross-curricular.ppt (5,9 MB)
10. Mary Stavrinidou - Peer teaching Greek[3.ppsx (257 kB)