CLIL (context & language integrated learning) at 2nd Experimental Gymnasium of Athens. Teachers: Maria Hioni & Ioannis Antoniou

25/02/2011 13:57


Teaching language through other subjects.  Ioannis Antoniou the headmaster of the 2nd Experimental Gymnasium of Athens and Maria Hioni, English teacher demonstrated the power of interdisciplinery cooperation.  

CLIL Lesson Plan

Thursday, 24th of February 2011

Class: C

Lesson length: 45’

Number of students: 25


Level: Mixed ability

Teacher: Maria Hioni (

1st stage: Lesson review of what was taught in Greek and warm-up (estimated time 5’)

·         On the board multiple choice questions

Objectives: to test students’ knowledge on Darwin and ease into the next part

Stage 2: Put in groups of 4 and hand out activities for video (15’)

·         1) Vocabulary matching exercise of the words they will hear on the video. They work on it as a team and we correct. 

·         2) Comprehension questions which will encourage discussion. We read the questions together and explain unknown vocabulary words. Then they turn over the questions in order to pay full attention to the video and not start working on their own.

Objectives: Exercise 1) To expose them to the challenging vocabulary that they will hear on the video. Exercise 2) To make the students seek specific information while watching the video

Stage 3: Watch the video (see following URL) and answer the comprehension questions in group work. (15’)

Objectives:  Encourage the students to use the English language for discussion and decision making. The stronger students will help the weaker ones.

 Stage 4: Correct the answers and give the opportunity to each member of the group to answer and comment (10’)

Homework: A handout of a short text will be given with comprehension questions and vocabulary matching exercise             

A short power point presentation (see following URL)  will follow when the students leave. CLIL demonstration.ppt (1,1 MB)

Thank you for coming!