Environmental education project by A' class 1st Gymnasio Kasairiani
Here is the link to the environmental project of the 1st Gymnasio of Kasairiani, set up and organised under the guidance of English teacher Lefki Stefouli. The excellent end products of the project include a ppt presentation, a newspaper and several posters which are mainly in English. https://www.mediafire.com/?uobpla646hvactz .
The projects, even though they are not flawless, were implemented by students of A' Class (2009-2010). The projects were relevant either to “ Environmental Education” or to their book “ Think Teen” 1st Grade of Junior High School- Advanced Level.
As the outcome shows, a “percentage “ of students have the ability to show initiative, originality, responsibility and they can be well-organized.
Lefki quotes D. Height, an American activist who states, "We have to improve school life, not just for those who… know how to manipulate the system, but also for and with those who often have so much to give but never get the opportunity".
You can also download the files one by one…