Links concerning educational legislation
20/05/2010 10:29
- Analytical programmme 14depps_XenonGlosson-Agglika.pdf (985,8 kB)
- Central European Framework CEF.doc (30 kB)
- Senior high school (general lyceum) eniaio_lykeio.pdf (2,2 MB)
- Technical lyceum (EPAL-TEE 2002) aps_tee.doc (376,5 kB)
- Technical lyceum (EPAL-TEE) 2010-2011 ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΑΛΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΑΣ.doc (72,5 kB)
- Inservice training PEK_2009_2010_FEK.doc (269 kB)
- Junior highschool (gymnasium) ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟΥ ΞΕΝΕΣ ΓΛΩΣΣΕΣ.doc (74,5 kB)
- Copy of ministerial order (Γ2 4230 19/7/96) for teaching of levels at gymnasium ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ_Γ2_4230-σ.1.jpg (491,2 kB) ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ_Γ2_4230-σ.2.jpg (387,5 kB)
- C class primary school engl_c_dim.doc (127,5 kB)
- Guide to teaching English at all day (primary) school oloimero.doc (151,5 kB)
- New legislation concerning all day school (2010 ) ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ για τη διδ ΝΕΩΝ ΔΙΔ ΑΝΤΙΚ.doc (525 kB)
- English language university entrance exams EIDIKO MATHIMA AGGLIKA 2010 2.pdf (140,2 kB)
- Students with special needs (ΑΜΕΑ) ΦΕΚ_2544_30-12-09.pdf (114,5 kB) / Νόμος 3699.pdf (203,2 kB)
- Organisation of schools ΦΕΚ 24-2002-ΟΡΓΑΝΩΣΗ.doc (160,5 kB)
- Changes in education- the new school Οι αλλαγές στην Παιδεία-Νέο Σχολείο.doc (3 MB)
- State certification in foreign languages (KPG)ΑρχικήΣελίδα/tabid/36/Default.aspx
- Transfers of teachers ΜΕΤΑΤΘΕΣΕΙΣ.pdf (576,8 kB)
- Examination of students with emotional problems related to violence Υπουργική Απόφαση.pdf (1 MB)
- Primary school (ΕΑΕΠ) Introduction of English to A' & B' classes FEK-1139B-PS.pdf (228,4 kB)