Modal verbs expressing obligation / B class 2nd Experimental Gymnasium. Teacher: Smaro Dalabira

09/02/2011 17:54



 Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Class: B, Level: Advanced

Lesson length: 40’

Number of students: 27

Course book: Think Teen- 2nd grade

Teacher: Smaro Dalabira


1st stage      (time estimated: 7’)

Previous lesson review (Think Teen St.Book,p 66 : A completely different experience)

a) reading comprehension questions

b) in order to check vocabulary, the students were given a crossword puzzle as homework assignment.


·     to test students’ prior knowledge,

·     to motivate them by means of a rather pleasant activity.


 2nd stage

Warm-up      (time estimated: 8’)

a)   listening comprehension activity ( Two schoolgirls talking about being a teenager)

b)   group work – students collaborate and give answers


·    to relate the previous lesson to the one following,

·     to introduce students to the new topic and motivate them,

·     to encourage group work .


 3rd stage     (time estimated: 15’)

Teaching grammar: “Modal verbs expressing obligation”

Power point presentation  1Expressing obligation.ppt (919 kB)


·     to recognise modal verbs expressing obligation,

·     to tell their differences,

·     to use them correctly.


4th stage      (time estimated: 10’)

From theory to practice    Group work - brainstorming

The students divided in groups are given two different activities and try to present ideas working together


·      to encourage group work 

·      by involving students in this group work they become actively engaged in the

         use   of modal verbs

·       to stimulate participation in the learning process

Finally,  homework assignment will be given from the course book

Below find the power point presentation of the theory of  her lesson prepared by Smaro

1ΣΧΕΔΙΟ ΜΑΘΗΜΑΤΟΣ-στην Αγγλική Γλώσσα.ppt (810,5 kB)