Teaching birthday vocabulary to 3rd class of A' 6/thesio Maraslio School. Teacher: Despina Akriotou
A’ Experimental Primary School of Marasleio.
C’ Class
Teacher : Deppy Acriotou
Athens, February the 7th 2011
Course Book: Welcome to our World I (Module 4) by Express Publishing
Lesson plan 45 min.
Aim: Teaching vocabulary on Birthday, counting to twenty and practicing the dialogue “How old are you?” – “I am ……..”
Teaching Methodology: Pair / group work.
Audio visual aids: Flashcards, handouts, a board game designed for the lesson and a DVD.
Stage I (3 min.)
Presentation of the vocabulary with Flashcards.
Stage II (5-7 min.)
Oral practice in groups with the use of flashcards.
Stage III (10 min.)
Board game “Happy Birthday” in groups. Open attached file - BIRTHDAY GAME.pdf (193,9 kB)
Stage IV (10 min.)
Cutting and pasting numbers in groups.
Stage V (15 min.)
Disney “Magic English” DVD on “Happy Birthday”.
Stage VI
Homework : Children have
a) to write a birthday card following a model card
b) to read the words of the DVD song.
c) completion of a handout with funny activities
Other files available but too big to atach to this webpage (10MB) Should anyone like them please contact me (Barbara)